Created by Johannes 4 years ago
I visited Adje several times and had a fantastic time with the most divergent adventures, with fashion, eating and her passion art.
From every trip I have experiences I would like to share with you. This one happened on a trip from Sant Cugat to her home in Belgium.
Approaching Paris Adje said “Joop, I would like to have a picnic on the Seine”.
“Good plan, the weather is good, even pretty warm, and I think it will be very nice”.
“Ok, we will go to maison Fauchon”. For those who don’t know, this was one of her favorite shops where you can buy all the delicacies of the world.
Adje “I want a real picnic basket with porcelain plates and a nice blanket”.
Arriving at Fauchon this was no problem, it was beautiful, like in a nice old classical movie, stylish. She loved it.
At Fauchon the delicacies blinded us, so we got two full bags  with the most delicious food, with a bottle of champagne.
Adje knew Paris and we ended up at a nice grass space along the Seine.
We unpacked the picnic basket, enjoyed the fantastic food, but our eyes where bigger than our stomach and ended up with a bag of food.
“We can’t take this with us in the car. Anyhow tonight we will go to a nice restaurant in Brussels”,Adje said.
Suddenly she stood up with the bag and walked straight to two clochard’s who were staring to us.
When she stretched her arms out with the FAUCHON bag the clochards put their shaking hands together up to heaven saying FAUCHON, FAUCHON!  like the food came direct from heaven.
One of them grabbed the bag, the other tried to grab Adjes hand to thank her.
While trying to avoid this, Adje said with tears in her eyes “this makes me so happy it’s worth more than a million.”
This scene reminds me that Adje had a very big heart and wished everyone a good life.
She was a fantastic person.
Johannes Keizer (Joop)